A rare occurrence.. Still


Let me begin this post by saying this is going to be a rare occurrence on my blog. I know what you are saying to yourself, “But there is nothing different about this post.” But that’s not entirely correct. Thanks to blogger.com, I am able to write entries early and date them accordingly. That being said, this entry may look like it was done on Friday when in reality it’s being done today-Wednesday, October 10, 2007. (Okay, so I am rambling. But I thought that would be of interest to you .) Anyway, another reason this is going to be a rare occurrence is because I have decided that for this post I am going to let another person do the “talking” for a change.

Let me explain.

Many of you have heard me talk about Joni Erickson Tada in my previous posts. For those new to my blog, a brief review. Joni Erickson Tada is a inspiring women who decided to turn a tragic diving accident, which left her a quadriplegic, into a blessing from God. She is now in charge of her own ministry and uses her story to motivate others to use their tragedies for good.

Today I was looking through my e-mail and I found that she has a new TV program coming out. Unfortunately, I am not able to receive the channel because it is part of the new DirecTV package. But I thought I would pass on the information for those of you who are looking for a encouraging word and are lucky enough to receive the channel on their cable networks.

Enclosed is a small article taken from the Joni and friends online magazine. I hope they don’t mind me using it. But I think her words describe the show best.

“Joni and Friends TV Premiere!
Joni and Friends, a new television program hosted by Joni Eareckson Tada, highlights a refreshingly honest approach to people’s toughest questions about the goodness of God in a world shattered by pain and suffering. Through dramatic and powerful glimpses into the lives of real people who have endured–or are still enduring–heart wrenching trials, Joni and her guests put scripture to the toughest of tests, showing why God is worth believing and how to trust Him in the toughest of times. In this unique program, we meet with exceptional people who inspire
Joni. Joni and Friends is a half-hour of riveting images, soulstirring stories, and proof-positive truths from the heart of God’s Word which will change your life.Joni and Friends premieres October 19 at 7:00 p.m. EST on DirecTV’s NRB (National Religious Broadcasters) network
(channel 378), so check your local listings! Each episode will also be available on DVD through http://joniandfriendstv.org (goeslive October 5th), in case you don’t have DirecTV.”


PS. Another reason I did this early was so that I wouldn’t forget. Chuckle.

See you next week

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