A Note to All My Readers; plus my view on resilience

Hello everyone,

Okay, so I realize it’s been FOREVER since I’ve posted on this blog. Let’s just say I have been using the time for self-evaluation and improvement. God knows, I have only begun on this journey and continue to seek personal as well as emotional growth. I have a long way to go, but I’m getting there. In truth, there is only one thing that kept me from writing in this blog.. That one thing being fear. As I have tried to explain many times in past posts, the goal of this blog is to provide positive feedback and advice to those dealing what a disability. This not only includes people that live with disabilities themselves. But just about anyone, including the family members or friends of a disabled person. That being said, I felt it was my responsibility to uphold this positive spirit; Which up until recently, I didn’t know whether I could do that.

To be honest, I’m not really sure if I should be writing this at all. But I figure that the best way to conquer my fear is to work through it. After all, nobody is perfect. Even though, I may be having difficulties in my personal life doesn’t mean I can’t take some of the advice I think important I’ve learned from other people and pass it on. That being said, I may stay away from the topics of a personal nature for a while. I ask just one thing of my readers during this time. Be patient with me as you have been. This transition from college life to the “real world” has been a very difficult one. More difficult than I ever imagined. Still, this summer I was blessed with many once in a lifetime opportunities, such as going on a cruise and going to Hawaii. Don’t worry, the cruise and Hawaii may end up being topics for later posts.

Anyway, the topic for today’s post is resiliency. This topic, or a version of it, has been on my mind for a while now. For obvious reasons. How do people cope with adversity? How does this adversity change people? For the better or for worse.. In a effort to answer the question, I will attempt to discuss the many different aspects of adversity. Take for example the motivational speech made by Amy Roloff to Central Michigan University on TLC’s Little People, Big World. In it, Amy makes several good points.

They are:

  • · Leaving the comfort of home to go to college. How was everyone going to act towards her having a disability? · What were they going to think about her being a little person?
  • Her Initial reaction was different than Amy expected. It didn’t matter.
  • Amy said, “I perhaps made more of an issue [of my difference] than others really did.”
  • The thing about a difference is that you think you are the only person going through it. Sure, you can think as a limitation, but Amy suggests that you embrace the difference.
  • Look at the positives.
  • Learn to move on after disappointments
  • · The Main Point: “yes, I’m different. But we’re all different. Once we move past that, we have a lot more similarities than we do differences.”
    · As humans, we focus too much on the appearance of people rather than the inside, the soul and heart of person. It’s more important that we get to know people from the inside out first.
  • “God doesn’t make mistakes. I believe we are all here for a purpose and it’s up to us to determine what that purpose is.”-Amy
  • Seems like I am not the only one wondering how to deal with the trials and tribulations of life. The topic of the most recent disability blog Carnival: Resiliency. I spent most of the day reading the posts and found it very informative as well as inspirational. For that reason, I have included the link here:

      Citation for TV Program: “Amy’s College Homecoming “TLC channel 70 at 11 am, 9/3/2007

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