

According to Webster dictionary, expecting something refers to the heightened “state of anticipation” for things yet to occur. These are the typically high standards we impose on ourselves and our daily way of life in America today. But is having expectations for something good for us in the long run?

I have been thinking about this a lot lately. Mostly because of my upcoming surgery. Granted, I haven’t scheduled anything to date, but I think it’s my last option. I’ve gone through Botox, extensive therapy, seen a lot of specialist and the answers always are the same; surgery. Doctors keep telling me, “it’s going to get worse if you don’t do anything about it” or “the surgery will be help you in the long run.” But why is it so hard to believe them?

Have I simply lost faith in God’s Power to work miracles? Or am I setting myself up for failure? Being realistic? What?

As you can see, I’m definitely struggling. By writing this article, I have helped to bring some clarity to the whole situation. But I’m still confused. I had all of these opinions about expectations, but they all went out the window when sat down to write this

Thanks for reading anyway,


2 thoughts on “Expectations”

  1. I don't know what your surgery is for but sometimes our Father in Heaven works miracles through medicine. Perhaps you don't lack faith, this may just be Heavenly Father's plan for you. Let the Holy Spirit Guide.

  2. I don't know what your surgery is for but sometimes our Father in Heaven works miracles through medicine. Perhaps you don't lack faith, this may just be Heavenly Father's plan for you. Let the Holy Spirit Guide.


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