The Camp Fire

Welcome back~

I know. It’s been a while since I last posted here, even though I’m writing belated posts now. These last two weeks have given me time to think and relax. Granted, I’m no better off than I was before I left. But at least, I’m enjoying my summer. I even have gotten into the habit of reading again, I’m hoping when I read it will assist me as a sort of therapy by restoring my confidence in God and jumpstarting my writing personally. In a strange way, Karen Kingsbury’s books have that affect on me; it is after all “life- changing fiction” as publicized.

Anyway, I haven’t forgotten about finishing my book review of I am potential. It’s just that things have gotten busy and I don’t feel like sitting listening to a audio book. Also, I have difficulty figuring out where I left off and what I want to add to the book review posts. That’s the problem with book reviews, they’re totally subjective based on one person’s point of view.

Still, I thought I would post something anyway for “Encouragement day”. I may not be feeling the best in terms of my faith and the upcoming events in my life. But God will never leave me or forsake me. That’s what I was reminded of in a Joni Eareckson Tada devotional that I saved for just such an occasion. I thought I would share with you here. Keep in mind, though, that this is only a paraphrase of what is written on the June 3, 2010 devotional in her new book, More Precious Than Silver.

In the devotional, she begins by telling us about one of her favorite pastimes, camping. Like most of us, she enjoys waking up to the smells of bacon and eggs. They are cooked by her husband, of course over a fire ignited by wood and kindle. But if we don’t watch it careful enough, the fire can go out. Still, Joni watches in amazement as Ken “nurtures it with dry grass and leaves until it’s roaring once again.  It seems that no matter how small the spark or how dim the flicker, Ken can bring a fire back to life”

It’s the same way with our faith…

She reminds us that even in our bleakest of moments, hope and faith can be revived by simply being obedient to God and his will for our lives. She says, “Sometimes the spark may be small, but if there is the tiniest ember, the slightest hint of obedience in our Christian life, it’s not too late to be revived.”

After all for those that are Christians, they are a new creation -set apart for God’s unique purpose. We have been given all we need to lead a happy and fulfilling life by shedding light and knowledge to what’s really important in this life. But most importantly, we have been a new heart, one that is focused on a heavenly goal.

In the end, Joni’s advice to readers is as follows:

“How about you? Do you feel the ashes smoldering, even if faintly? Do you sense life within, even if feeble? Nurture it. Gently fan the spark – follow through on the nudge to obey, spend a little time in prayer, revive yourself in God’s .  Don’t neglect the grace, the heart, and the new nature God has given you.  Poke around and get the fire of the Spirit going in your life.”

That’s about it. In case you were wondering, the main verse for this devotional was 2 Timothy 1:6

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