In a new documentary entitled “Certain Proof”, producers follow the lives of three distinct families each touched with cerebral palsy. Like most parents, they struggle in wanting to provide the best education they can for their children ; even if it meant fighting to prove their sons or daughters were learning when the schools disagreed.
If you are disabled or have disabled family member, you’ve heard all of the arguments.
1) We’re not equipped to handle such a disability.
While that may be true, there is funding in every school for children with disabilities. Check out the ADA and be aware of what your rights are. In many cases, this is where having an Individualized Education Plan comes into play
2) We’re afraid of the influence the disabled child may have on the other students.
Again, a plausible concern.. While the children may be afraid at first,
socialization is the key to bridging the gap of understanding. Starting early allows the children more of a chance to connect with each other, seeing past the disability and accepting them.
Bottom line: what right do we have to judge the people that God created? None. Each one of us has a special purpose in this world and who are we to limit ourselves?
For more information on the documentary, go to the following link: