Your Own Show: Week Six Recap

Welcome Back~
I hope everybody enjoyed their weekend. For my regular followers, I know I haven’t been writing much lately. I’m sorry. It’s not that I don’t have anything to say, it’s just that I don’t know how to say it or whether I should say it at all. Being a blogger, you’re always reminded, “Be careful what you write because once it’s out there and published, you can’t take it back” or “Don’t get to personal” . For me, it’s more personal than that though. I want to be authentic with you-a no holds bar type of reader/writer relationship where I can be completely honest in regard to the struggles I encounter on a daily basis in the areas of my faith, disability or independence.

Long story short, I don’t want to be fake and want to a positive twist on the information on my blog. But it’s not always easy be to do that, so sometimes it’s easier to keep to myself and reflect. Anyway, that’s what I’ve been doing lately to try and get myself out of this “disconnected” slump. I spent a number of my days reading Karen Kingsbury’s last book of the Above the Line Series, Take Four. Most days, I was able to either find myself in the words of a character or a simple reminder of God and His Existence.

I’m still struggling in certain areas of my life, but that doesn’t mean I should stop writing. After all, I’m way behind on certain subjects such as Zach on Your Own Show etc.

That being said, drumroll please..

When we last left our teams, Elizabeth was sent home as a result of not being able to bring it. That left Team VISION to fend for themselves with only two contestants Kristina and Terey while Team FOCUS had three remaining contestants including Zach, Alicia and Ryan. At first glance, it seems like an easy week is ahead when the group realizes that that guest star is none other than financial analyst, Suzie Orman. Not so. As the two teams struggle to find the balance between financial advice and inspirational segment, they are caught in a crossroads. How did they make their dreams of their special guests in this segment, come true without sacrificing the reality of financial constraint among one’s means?

In the end, both teams do great in fulfilling the dreams of their guests-thanks to a little help from Oprah. But both Alicia and Ryan are eliminated due to their lack of commitment to the story and time management.

That leaves Zach, Kristina, and Terey still in the running for their own show. In the next post, which I will probably write tomorrow, the three attend a press junket. Now, I know you find out the winner if you really want to, but please stick with me. I will be back. You can see the full episode here:

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