Your OWN show: Week Four

Welcome back~

Since my parents changed their cable lineup, I have been unable to watch Zach on Your Own Show. That being said, it’s going to take me a little longer to update you on the contestants left on the show. The Oprah Winfrey network website does provide the full episode online; but it seems a week after it airs. From what I gather, week four features guest cooking star Chris Stone helping team FOCUS and VISION in producing a cooking segment. This segment seems to feature Zach as executive producer and Tony as the on camera talent. I’m sorry but that all of the information I could gather from the small web episode provided. Hopefully, the full episode is posted soon so I can give you a more detailed synopsis.

On the bright side, I think Zach is still in the running for his own show. Keep representing, Zach. I am rooting for you! Thanks for showing what people with disabilities can do despite the obstacles they face on a daily basis.

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