Two perspectives on Mother’s Day


With Mother’s Day fast approaching, I thought I would focus today’s blog on just that. Mothers. I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I could ever live without mine. I have always loved my mother. For how dependable she is and how she always cares for me. That will never change no matter what circumstances may bring. Over the years, though, I’ve seen it develop into something different. Something deeper than I ever imagined could happen. A friendship. Today, she not only see me as her daughter. But as a woman with the same dreams and desires as anyone my age.

This idea got me thinking..There are in fact two different ways for me and just about anyone to look at Mother’s Day. The first perspective is the most obvious. Taking the day to honor our mothers, for the women they are and the lessons they’ve taught us. These can be unique among families; for me, the lessons consisted of three important categories.

  • Faith
  • Endurance
  • Perseverance

Growing up in my mother’s friendship, I have learned to appreciate my mother’s stories. They have taught me much about my family history, helped to explain how I react to things, and explain what traits have been passed down from generation to generation. I have also learned to view my mom as the individual she is. Too often, it is difficult to separate one’s position from the individual. Don’t get me wrong, she will always be my mother. But she is a woman first and foremost. She has the same types of fears, hopes and dreams that I do. It took me a while to realize this, but once I did.. wow , everything changed. I began to see my mother in a different light. I don’t know, how it happened.. but it did. Slowly..

One particular moment I remember is in the day she decided she was going to learn to play the piano. She was so determined. She wasn’t going to let anything stop where from accomplishing this lifelong dream. After only briefly discussing this with us, there was a piano in our front room. And to this day, you can hear her practicing her scales whenever possible. She is getting pretty good actually, for as much as we tease her about it. Sorry mom.

On the other hand, I have also began to to view Mother’s Day in a more womanly way. Some day, I hope to have children of my own. That’s a dream of mine, but if I can’t, I realize I have a even bigger opportunity to touch people’s lives through the opportunities God gives me in the future. This is exactly what happened to Joni Erickson tada. She was able to touch the lives of so many just through her work with Child Evangelism Fellowship.

For more information on the organization, go to. Http://

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