True for My Reflections: Expectations of the 20th Century Woman


So I’ve covered this subject many times before, for some reason though, the subject has been on my heart this week. Like most of my friends, I continue to struggle finding my place in this world. After all, I am thirty years old. I should be settled by now, right? Independent, working and let’s not forget, married. These are the typical expectations of every young woman in today’s society.

It’s sad but true. These expectations send the wrong message to young women who are still trying to find themselves; they can also lead single women to question the way that they experience life. I’ll be honest when I say I feel totally inept as I see my friends (those that are married or about to be) experiencing the trials and tribulations of real-life. What can I say to them? Nothing. My words won’t do it justice. Because I haven’t experienced it myself… At least that’s what society puts in our heads.

And sometimes, we as 20 century women, believe it! This is just one of the storylines that Karen Kingsbury focuses on in her Above the Line series.

There’s no denying the frustration that comes with watching your friends and family achieve their goals so easily. But don’t forget, it’s not as important that you experience life, only that you hold yourself to God’s standards, remembering that he is controlling your comings and goings. In his timing, if it be His will, you may meet your future husband. Some may not, but that doesn’t mean you are not worthy. It just means that you are prepared to do God’s work as a single woman. After all, the Bible does not say “All women should wed”, it says instead that “Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I am. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion.” (I Corinthians 7:8-9)

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