Topics of debate

Dear Readers,

I came across this article while researching for different topics of interest to discuss on this blog, the subject is kind of misleading when you think about it. But if you read further down, the following posts make some startling revelations of topics of debate. One of which being pre-determining genetics of the unborn to eliminate the possibility of a disability. Personally, I don’t believe it’s right to do so. Doing so plays God, not only eliminating an opportunity to trust him, but puts our own fate in human hands.

2 thoughts on “Topics of debate”

  1. I couldn't agree more… beyond just down syndrome, any kind of impairment or frankly difficulty in life can be aligned with this… don't the poor have a worse quality of life than the middle class? Why do we keep them around? Oh yeah – because they're people, same as anyone.

  2. I couldn't agree more… beyond just down syndrome, any kind of impairment or frankly difficulty in life can be aligned with this… don't the poor have a worse quality of life than the middle class? Why do we keep them around? Oh yeah – because they're people, same as anyone.


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