This week..

Dear Readers,

My apologies for not posting at all this last week. It passed in a whirlwind, as a lot was going on around our house. First, a good friend of mine came to visit me from Michigan. It was a good time for me, considering we hadn’t really seen each other in nine months. It’s always amazing to me how some friendships can pick up right where they left off like no time had passed. However, in some small way, I can’t help but feel things have changed.

I know we are each are growing up to be that the woman God wants us to become. It’s just happening for us in different ways and at different times. This friendship challenges me in many different ways. On the one hand, I look at her and question my own faith. After all, she is so outspoken and knows who she is in her relationship with God. Me? I am more soft-spoken when it comes to matters of the heart. I’ve always been that -that’s the way God created me. Still,, I can’t help but wonder whether I’m doing things right. I have too remind myself that God can still use me. It’s not MY JOB to change someone’s life. It’s God’s stirring on someone’s heart; he’s just using me as an example of how a life can change. Sometimes, it’s even a positive to show that people make mistakes-that way it shows that anything is possible.

During the week, I also trained my second personal assistant. It’s been quite a adjustment, getting used to someone in my apartment for a long periods of time. I can’t get much done writing wise. You see, I’m kind of used to people coming and going in my apartment back where I used to live. They don’t do it that way here.

Anyway, I have some interesting surprises coming up next week. Stay tuned

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