The latest on disabilities; wish lists and more. Brought to you by TiVo

Hello Everyone,

It occurred to me recently that many of you might be wondering where and how I stay on top of the disability issues. Part of it just comes naturally to me, I guess; knowing what and where to research for certain topics. On the other hand, I primarily have TiVo to thank for most of the topics I post on this site.

I know what you’re thinking. “Wait a minute, I thought TiVo is a personal DVR (digital video recorder) which is primarily for taping your favorite shows and playing them back whenever you want to watch it.”

It is, on the surface.

But for me, it serves a more practical purpose. It allows me to create a specific wish lists on certain criteria (i.e. disabilities,) and searches according through the television listings for shows based on that criteria. This is done automatically and is not limited to looking through the description given on a program. It also looks at programs in terms of their titles. However, TiVo does not have the capability to look for other forms of the word. Therefore, I have two disability wishlists. One focuses on searching for programs containing the word “disabled” and the other searches for programs that include the word “disability “.

Any questions? I know this is a short post but I thought my readers would be interested.

Another note: I am starting a new job as I said in some of my earlier posts, so I may not be as up to date as usual. But please stick around. I promise to not forget about you

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