The Importance Of Keeping Your Disabled Child Involved in Their Own Education!

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Okay, so I know I’m a week behind schedule. In truth, I didn’t think I had anything of value to say last week. I let my negative thoughts eliminate any possibility for changing people’s perspective this week. Today, I was reminded how God’s love is not conditional but unconditional. My sanctification is not based on my own actions, but the actions of Jesus Christ took on my behalf-dying on the cross and rising on the third day. Therefore, I am saved no matter what.

Sunday’s sermon was much needed…

Over the last few weeks, I have attempted to illustrate the importance of remaining a disability advocate for yourself or your child. The following blog post from from further illustrates my point implementing the use of a person centered plan. The plan simply outlines your child‘s goals for the future. They are not limited to the educational goals but include social and long-term ones as well. Feel free to learn more about this process by visiting the following blog:

On a personal note, I have gone through this process myself. Not only did this provide a clearer picture for those involved in my daily living, but this process allowed me to figure out what I wanted during my educational career as well as in my future.

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