The End of Summer

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I’m behind again, I know. Lately, the weeks have passed by without me really noticing. It’s not that I haven’t really had fun this summer. I have. But I have come to realize that as adults, summer is just another day where you have to work in order to survive. After all, that’s how we make a living, right?

I’m not so sure about that. Sitting down to write this post, I didn’t really know what I was going to say. So I decided to highlight one of the links I had saved for just such an occasion. This features a article highlighting a new camp that takes children with disabilities and turns them into rock stars. For once, they don’t have to concentrate on their disability, they can just be who they are- kids! Be sure to take a look: Http://

As an adult, this camp reminds me of the special times I had at Camp Maria. The camp, specially designed for people with CP as well as other disabilities is now shut down. But I will carry those memories with me forever.

But who says kids with disabilities get to have all the fun? My friends at Joni & Friends are proving that summer retreats can be for families as well. Since the 90s, her organization has provided retreats from the daily grinds of life. Check out this website for more information:

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