Sometime Last Week..

Hello everyone,

Okay, so I know it’s been a while. But some unforeseen circumstances kept me away. Long story short, I lost my computer for a week. For my familiar readers, you know my computer is virtually the center of all my activities. It connects me to everything — cyberspace, work, friends. Anyway, this is just a note to let my readers know I’m back-and they can expect something new on Monday.

Sitting down to write this, I am reminded that I missed a important day last week. The blog first birthday. It was sometime last week; unfortunately, I lost all of my important calendar dates on my computer. It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since I first published this blog. I guess time really does fly when you are having fun. I hope all my information has been at least somewhat helpful to my readers on their journey towards a deeper understanding of their disability.

Until tomorrow,


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