Some 2012 Olympians Step into the Spotlight for More Than Just Talent!

Everyone has those moments that they will never forget of the Olympics.. For example, there was the time the Magnificent Seven won the gold in Women’s Gymnastics during the last Olympics.. Or the time where Keri Strug landed on a injured ankle during her vault to help secure the victory..

These are all moments that make you want to stand up and cheer for the
Olympians and make me especially proud to be an American! However, there are moments that surpass these and challenge you to be better than you are. I had one of those while watching the Women’s All-Around Gymnastics Final. Not only was I surprised at how Jordan Weibercheered for her teammate, Aly from the stands even though she may have wishedshe could be there also… Such camaraderie and compassion, I have never seenthroughout a competition!

But even more important, the courage it takes to stand firm for what you believe while being in the spotlight. At this point, you probably know who I am talking about-Gabby Douglas. When she could have taken all the praise for winning gold, she gave all the credit to God, saying “Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never
forget the good he does for me. The glory up to Him, and the blessings fall
down on me.”

For more on other Olympians’ view as to how she was able to accomplish this, please feel free to go to:,,20612225_20618005,00.html
for more information

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