Reflections for the upcoming season; Debbie’s update

Merry Christmas.

Even as I dictate this, I can’t believe it’s that time of year already. For those of you that have followed this blog over the year, you probably understand what I mean..  Since losing my job almost 2 years ago, posts on this blog have been pretty sparse. Partly because I’ve been spending my time mailing out resumes  to appropriate contacts as well as dealing with  Social Security in  the interim. That’s a whole  other story within itself. But I digress

The fact is I haven’t been quite myself since.  True, the job help me out financially but even more than that it gave me a reason every morning-  a new sense of purpose. You see, I’ve always felt a calling when it comes to advocating for the disabled; I just wasn’t quite sure how that criteria will fit into the job description;  that is until I started writing blogs on web accessibility- things sort of fell into place after that. I loved my job, people  appreciated me. More than that, having  financial independence gave me a new sense of freedom; I was able to support myself and continue living the apartment.  In hindsight, this began a negative pattern of self-reliance. I almost  forgot who had provided the job in the first place and how to be grateful in the first place

Hence, I can’t help feeling that’s why I am where I am right now. Not as a punishment, mind you but allowing me the time to get my bearings and learn a deeper dependence on God then ever before. Still, that doesn’t mean I am not disappointed that I have to move back in with my parents in February. I will certainly miss my place.

I’ve heard it said that Christmas comes when we need it the most. That’s certainly true this  Christmas. I need  God to renew to me the joy of my salvation.

With that, I leave this  question to you my readers: What present would you give your heart this Christmas?

Mine would be a new sense of faith and hope for the future
(Yes I know the verse Jeremiah 29:11- that God already provided for that but it’s another thing to fully leave on that promise day in and day out, I’m only human!)

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