Personal update

Welcome back~

I hope everybody had an enjoyable Memorial weekend. This is one of those holidays that we tend to dismiss, forgetting the ultimate sacrifice that it takes to keep this country free. Sunday’s sermon reminded me of that, comparing the soldier’s sacrifice to that of Jesus. In the same way, a soldier puts away any regard for his own life to save others, so does God. After all, doesn’t it say, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” John 15:12-14. I felt as if that day was a fresh start for me-allowing me to see everything in a uniquely new perspective than before. Anyway, I thought I would share my musings with you.

On a personal note, I just had my second round of Botox. This one was more painful than the last; having a total of 14 shots, most of them on my left arm. We’ve seen some improvement, but I continue to be confused by the doctor’s response. Even though he is impressed, he is still suggesting that we think about surgery. Once again, I am stuck in the middle of figuring out what I want and what other people think is best for me.

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