Personal Reflections:

Welcome Back Readers,

It’s the beginning of another week and I continue to be amazed at how fast the time passes. There never seems to be enough time for everything ; something always remains unfinished everyday and I wonder if I will be able to finish tomorrow. But I guess that is something everyone struggles with. Priorities and how to manage one’s time wisely so that at the end of the day, you will have no regrets.

Regrets. Everybody has them in one form or another . We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t. After all, no one is ever promised an easy life.. Despite the fact that this is how the Christian life is characterized, it’s not true. In times of difficulty, the question of “Where is God?” is often asked. As hard as it is to believe, he’s right there! Ready and willing to help you through any situation that arises if you will just allow him too. Notice that I said through and NOT around! The struggles of this life are meant to help build character and teach us lessons that we wouldn’t have learned otherwise.

I ‘ve been running this race as a Christian for a while now, and I still can’t seem to wrap my mind around this lesson at times. At times, I find myself becoming bitter with my circumstance; this can block whatever blessings God may have for me that day. I often wonder if this is just a stage of life I’m going through or if it will fade with time and God’s grace and mercy. I have been reading Joni Eareckson’s new book, A Lifetime Of Wisdom: Embracing the Ways God Heals You and surprisingly she says anger is sometimes good when it points you to God. He would rather have someone who is open and honest with Him rather than a polite and etiquette- acceptable prayer. That’s what makes it a relationship with God, instead of what people refer to as “religion”.

This is a topic that has laid heavy on my heart for a while now. I apologize if it doesn’t really make sense, I should have written about it earlier so that I could have gotten all my ideas down. But I tend to shy away from post of a personal nature because of the simple fact that potential employers could see my writing.

Stayed tuned for Wednesday as I highlight one of my favorite movies, “The Note” and how it relates to encouragement as well as this idea of second chances.

Thanks for reading,

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