One of my newest readers

Hello everyone~

With Christmas on the way, I have kind of lost my focus in doing this blog. Hence, being three weeks behind is the result. But as I have stated before in previous posts, those weeks were not lost. I was able to get a lot of writing done as well as have a friend visit me. I just wanted to let you know I haven’t forgotten about you and am grateful for all of my readers.

In today’s post, I would like to feature one of my newest readers. She seems to be a lot like me in terms of wanting to keep the public out today on on the latest news regarding disability. Her readership seems to be growing fast. I hope you take the time to visit her website at:

2 thoughts on “One of my newest readers”

  1. thanks for the plug to my blog my readers have seemed to dropoff i am not sure why I'll keep blogging and see I am not sure if I have mentioned I added you to my blogroll

  2. thanks for the plug to my blog my readers have seemed to dropoff i am not sure why I'll keep blogging and see I am not sure if I have mentioned I added you to my blogroll


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