October is National Disability employment Awareness Month.


Welcome back everyone.

I hope everybody enjoyed their weekend as much as I did. I’m still taking it slow recovering from my surgery. It wasn’t as bad as I suspected it would be. I just can’t wait for the day when I say I actually worked a nine hour day. That’s right everyone. I finally have a job.. All that’s left to do is sign the paperwork and report to work. Well, not really report to work. The truth is, I will be working as a consultant and doing research for a company.

Which brings me to today’s topic of employment.

Did you know that October is National Employment Awareness Month?

Don’t feel bad, I didn’t know either until reading about it in a article.

I have decided to include the article link here, as I am still recovering from surgery and I find it hard to condense a small article such as this one. (Okay, so I am taking the easy way out this time) I Found it quite interesting myself.

Anyway, here it is:


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