Not feeling well

Hey Guys,

I realize this is the first time in weeks I’ve written on this blog ; I apologize. I just really haven’t felt up to it. I’ve had persistent stomach problems for a while now and can’t seem to get a handle on it. I’ve been to several doctors and they say my condition is quite normal for someone with a disability. I’ve tried my best to get more water and fiber into my diet because that is a contributing factor. But in the end, I always come back to feeling bad again.

These digestive problems are to be expected though; it’s a downside to taking baclofen, I guess. My lack of exercise may have something do with it too. But come on, who has the time to measure out 15 grams of fiber and drink two bottles of water. According to the doctors, that’s the normal amount a person should have to maintain good digestion. I’m no dietitian, but that’s a lot of fruits and fiber bars.

That being said, I am not at my best. But I intend on catching up with some posts this weekend.

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