My Take on Missions

  Hey Everyone~

This week our focus is Missions back at CBC (my church). Until my teens, I didn’t quite grasp the idea of being a “missionary” in my everyday life. I’d always thought of the job being for a select few-those willing to leave everything behind and follow God’s Calling for their lives. I now realize how wrong I was..

As Christians, we tend to shift the responsibility of ministering to others; thinking that we are not qualified or capable of completing the task. But that’s simply not true. While God has elected missionaries to go to foreign countries to preach the Gospel, He has given us the talents and tools necessary to reach people right where we are today. Sharing my faith through my blog is my gift- being able to show His Love and Presence in my life through my trials and tribulations of having CP. It is my hope and prayer that through each post people can not only see my heart but that it makes God even more real!

   I know you may asking, “But what if I’m not good at it?” My answer is quite simple: no one is.. That’s when His Power shows its brightest as it says in 2 Corinthians 12:9, “ But he said to me, ‘ My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” Still it’s hard to rest in that fact knowing how inadequate I sometimes feel-but that’s what it’s funny.. Jesus does not ask us to do it alone! That’s why he sent His Holy Spirit to dwell within his disciples (that includes all Christians) after His Ascension and until he comes again.

While Jesus mostly talked in parables during his time on earth, the commission in Matthew 28:19-20 is more desperate. He says to “go and make disciples of all nations”; going even farther, it says they should baptize them and teach others the ways past down to them by the Lord himself. No longer is it a request, but a command. Now that doesn’t mean it should be done of obligation, God would rather it be done out of a thankful heart-grateful for the things God has done in my life and that he will continue to do.
Take that to heart as you conclude this week. Open your heart to the opportunities the next week will bring. You might be surprised!

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