Music Monday: “Yes, I Will.” by Vertical Worship

Music Monday: “Yes, I Will.” by Vertical Worship

by: Debbie Waltz

Welcome Back, Readers ~

It’s hard to believe that I’m entering the last week of Stephanie May Warren’s “Love Your Single Life.” It seems like yesterday. I just started. This week will be about Navigating the Dating scene while keeping your Christian values; I can’t wait to see what Stephanie has to say about this- especially to the ones who haven’t dated much (or at all.) I wonder what advice or tips she will give. Still, I know I have a long way to go before I’m ready for a relationship; as she reminded us, you don’t have to be perfect to be in a relationship. It’s all on God’s timing, so enjoy the time you have what you have because it will pass quickly.

On another note, editing my book is becoming a pain I never expected. Sure, I knew it would be hard to let go of words and cut down scenes, but it’s even more challenging considering that I haven’t finished the last chapter, and I’m cutting earlier chapters and bulking other scenes. Please pray that I come to a swift conclusion and can put down these characters for a while. As much as I love them, I must allow my brain to breathe. These characters have been in my heart since middle school. Of course, they’ve changed over the years, but there’s still a need for disability representation in today’s market. They have to have their voices heard and their struggles acknowledged.

This brings me to today’s song selection; Vertical Worship’s “Yes, I will” is a declaration of sorts. While God’s gift of salvation is free to all, it is our choice whether to accept or reject Christ’s precious gift. Of course, this doesn’t mean our life will go smoothly and be free of difficulty (it’s sometimes the opposite); it just means that we no longer walk this world alone! As with all relationships, it takes time, trust, and commitment from all parties. In worshiping, we acknowledge and trust God in every aspect of our lives to honor him daily.

We know not everything will turn out perfectly as planned, but we believe God has allowed it so that He may be glorified. (John 9)

To listen to Vertical worship’s acoustic version of the song, please go here:


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