Music Monday: “Try” By Colbie Caillat.

Music Monday: “Try” By Colbie Caillat

By Debbie Waltz

Many of my readers know I hope to get married someday. In the beginning, I did my best to “hurry” things on in that regard, stepping ahead of God’s will for my life. Numerous Christian dating websites, you name it; I tried it…

Nothing came out of them.

Looking back, though, I’m not surprised at all. After all, how can someone see my attractiveness if I don’t believe it myself? Sadly, this is not something just I seemed to struggle with (and sometimes still do), but it remains a question many teens grapple with today. I can’t help but worry as I watch my nieces grow up and interact with the world that they will forget the fundamentals of their faith and who they are or (even more appropriate) WHOSE they are!

That’s why I believe Christian parents and relatives must validate a child’s self-worth daily, both in a physical sense and a biblical sense. What do I mean by this? As I’m sure many parents remind their children daily, “I love you,” it’s also important that parents remind them of their Heavenly Father’s love and care. This love should permeate not only one’s actions but deeds as well. In no way does this ensure that a child grows up not struggling with the typical issues of adolescence, but they ARE less likely to deal with MORE severe problems such as loneliness, body image issues, depression, etc.

In much the same way, this biblical knowledge of knowing and understanding our Heavenly Father makes us less susceptible to the schemes of the evil one. As Christians, we are secure in knowing we are God’s children, and He loves us; nothing can change that! It also gives peace that when we fall short (and we will), God will always be there- more than willing to pick up the pieces. Because of God’s Grace and blood-atoning sacrifice, we can rest in believing Jesus himself has already accomplished the most important work.

Before I go into the biblical stance on physical appearance, I think you must know one more thing. God created you; He made you unique. There is no one else like you. If you ever doubt this, please read Psalms 139 carefully. He spent time with each of us in the womb, knitting us together and getting to know us individually.

Biblical Stance on Physical Appearance vs. Spiritual

The Bible has a lot to say about physical appearance. It’s not always good. A majority of these verses on this topic are negative. They highlight differences, slowly shifting one’s focus from the outward appearance to looking more inward. That doesn’t mean physical appearance isn’t necessary, but God is more worried about our spiritual health. Remember what I Samuel 16:7 says, “But the Lord said to Samuel, ‘Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.'”

Even in marriage, God reminds us to stay vigilant-keeping our focus on him while remaining submissive to our husbands. Look at what I Peter 3:3-5 has to say on this subject: “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be your inner self, and the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight….” (NIV)

Colbie Caillat’s song, “Try,” reminds us that in the scheme of things, physical appearance doesn’t matter as long as you love yourself. Although this song is not Christian, it also makes you reevaluate your self-worth in God’s eyes and not the world’s.

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