Music Monday: “Truth I’m Standing On.” by Leanna Crawford

Music Monday: “Truth I’m Standing On.” by Leanna Crawford

by: Debbie Waltz

Welcome Back, Readers~

Full disclosure: I haven’t been myself lately. But then you can probably guess that by my frequency of writing. Since there are several variables involved, I will only share a few. Let’s begin with the most obvious. My fiction writing has taken a backseat. What I intended for good in attending my last writers’ conference backfired on me; now this has nothing to do with the staff or crew. I just have to deal with some harsh realities; YA seems to be fading these days. That leaves me questioning where my fiction fits in. Let alone the simple question-can I finish it? Those of you who know me on a personal level understand what I’m getting at-using voice recognition makes everything take 10 times as long. Not only that, I don’t know HOW EXACTLY to finish it. Granted, I have a general idea, but those ideas only take you so far!

As a result, this gave me a lot to think about and wrestle with. When that l happened, I doubted my calling. You know what happens then? We give the devil an opening. I’m not proud of it, but I began listening to my thoughts and emotions rather than resting on God’s promises. I will spare you the details, except to say it got difficult, and I internalized my emotions. Eventually, I asked God to help me fight this mental battle and restore my joy and passion for writing. It wasn’t instantaneous, however, the next day I felt a bit clearer. Along with the prayer, I began reading Jess Connolly’s You are The Girl For the Job: Daring to Believe the God Who Calls You.

The book’s premise is quite simple, really. It’s about letting go of the need to be the best at something and partnering with God to fulfill His Calling on your life. After all, Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for us. We didn’t.

That’s the difference between humans and God. He makes us a part of his rescue plan because of our weaknesses, not despite them. He recognizes that not only  does this make our stories easier to relate to ; but weaknesses allow a bigger display in order to show his glory.2 Corinthians 12:9 reminds us, “But he said to me , ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” We should feel honored that he includes us as part of his rescue plan.

To listen to Leanna’s  song, it can be accessed here:

An added bonus music video came to mind this morning and I thought it went perfectly with our theme; so, here you go..

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