Music Monday: “Things I Know.” By Elizabeth Bonker (featuring the Flute Spectrum Of Sound Choir)

Music Monday: “Things I Know.” By Elizabeth Bonker (featuring the Flute Spectrum Of Sound Choir)

by: Debbie Waltz

Welcome Back Readers ~

Since I introduced Elizabeth Bonker to you on Friday, it seems only appropriate that I would feature one of her “songs” on this week’s music Monday. Though we discussed it briefly in our interview, she hopes sharing her poetry through music will help the disorder of autism gain more traction worldwide. In sharing her poetry in various music genres, Elizabeth hopes to give “a voice to the voiceless”; I can certainly relate to the cause of advocating for those in the disabled community.

Like my friend Mark Presak of once told me, “You are using everything you have [for God’s glory.}” Elizabeth is too. She is not wasting one opportunity and living by Mr. Rogers’s motto, “Life is for Service.” At the same time, Rollins College has the same philosophy of “Be the Light,.”

But if you think about it, this philosophy isn’t anything new; It’s what Jesus wanted his disciples to do when he commissioned them to go out and spread The Gospel. It’s what He wants us to do now and continue to do until he returns. Remember what Matthew 5:14-, 16 says: “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good deeds and glorify Your Father in heaven.”

John 3:19-21 also says, “This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved the darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.”

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