Music Monday: There’s A Place for Us by Carrie Underwood

  Music Monday: There’s a Place For Us by Carrie Underwood

by Debbie

Have you ever felt out of place – like you don’t belong here? Have you ever felt like it would be easier to give up? I guarantee you’re not alone. That’s part of the reason I love reading; reading can provide a sense of escape from the difficulties of this world and transport you to another world beyond your imagination. For example, CS Lewis’ series  The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, so effortlessly presents this idea of a world beyond the walls of an ordinary wardrobe closet where strange half-man, half-animal characters exist, and a witch dwells, daring to threaten the world’s very existence. I won’t spoil the rest of the story for those who haven’t read this series fully yet (I’ll admit I’m one of them, but I have cheated and seen the movies) except to say this leads the children on a spectacular adventure. Not only that, but it stretches readers-both Christian & non-Christian alike to think about their faith in a new way.

When I first heard “There’s a Place For Us” as part of the end credits on The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader in theaters, I couldn’t help but tear up. That song explicitly described what I was feeling. I recently struggled with getting “laid off” of a position I loved helping to make sure technology remained accessible to people with disabilities. Unfortunately, the program was cut, leaving me no longer needed. But still, it left me wondering, “Okay, Lord. Now what??”

To be honest, I still wonder what could have been…

Several years later, I still wonder what God has up his sleeve with my writing. Of course, I want to make enough money to provide for myself in the future, Before I get a ton of emails, I realize writers don’t make a lot of money. However, since I am disabled and limited in my abilities, writing is something I can do… actually, it is about the only thing I can do! Not to mention that the idea of making money by doing something I enjoy also appeals to me.

But then again, this place is not my home. If you’re Christian, this same goes for you; but unlike the world of make-believe, Heaven is real. One day, Jesus will return and gather his followers to Himself. On that day, my broken body will be made whole, and I will finally be at peace.

To listen to Carrie Underwood’s song, you can find it here:

On a personal note, I would encourage you to see all the Chronicles of Narnia movies if you ever get the chance. For those that already are subscribed to Disney +, the movies are now available. They have been on my watchlist for a while now, and I have watched them more than twice Personally, I relate strongly to the character of Lucy because of her propensity to compare herself with others. At times, she is so sure of herself- others not so much. Still,  the character of Aslan reminds her that if she hadn’t have existed, her siblings would not have discovered Narnia.

I have chosen to include a couple of my favorite quotes from the movie. They are as follows:

“We have nothing if not belief,”-Voyage of the Dawn Treader

“It is my hope that by knowing me in this world, you may know me better in the next,”-Azlan, Voyage of the Dawn Treader

“Stop doubting your value; don’t run from who you are.”

– Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Now please watch the movies and send me a note letting me know who you relate to the most.

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