Music Monday: “Thank You Lord” by Chris Tomlin (featuring Thomas Rhett & Florida Georgia Line)

Music Monday: “Thank You Lord” by Chris Tomlin (featuring Thomas Rhett & Florida Georgia Line)

By: Debbie Waltz

Gearing up for today’s “Music Monday”, I had no idea what to write about. In all honesty, I had this song picked out for last week and changed at the last second based on the Lord’s prompting. But with school up again, I thought this would be the perfect song to energize your week and get it started on the right foot.

Being grateful is something we usually associate with the holiday of Thanksgiving. But it’s so much more than that. It forces us to slow down and really think about the things we don’t take time to really appreciate. These past few weeks, I’ve tried to adopt an attitude of gratitude by listing some things I am grateful for during the day 3 times a week. I’ll be honest, it’s hard not to highlight the big things of the day and minimize the little things. But the little things matter too.

They matter to us.

But they matter to The Father as well.

Of course, the Lord wants us to rely on him for everything. In order to do that, though, we must acknowledge that everything comes from Him. James 1:17 says, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”

That also requires giving up ultimate control. Believe me, I know how hard that can be. Being disabled, I want to control everything I can. But then again, if God takes care of the birds.. Why should I worry? (Matthew 6:26-34)

Just food for thought.

To listen to Chris Tomlin’s “Thank You Lord” it can be accessed here:

As I expressed in earlier posts, I am heartbroken by my personal assistant’s decision to leave, but I have become convinced God had his reasons for doing this-maybe I had relied on her too much and forgotten about my first love. (Revelation 2 4). Unlike people, Jesus won’t fail me. As I embark on this new leg of my journey, I am determined to fix my eyes on God’s plans for me in swipe up swipe up the future. Psalms 62:3 says, “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! “(ESV)

Since I don’t believe in coincidences, I know God had me read second Chronicles 28 for a reason today, In it, Hezekiah (a faithful king in line of David) has finally gotten his people and some others to come back to the Lord after rebuilding the temple. Keep in mind it’s been a long time since God’s people repented. They didn’t think a week was long enough for praising the Lord, so Hezekiah extended it to 14 days.


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