Music Monday: Stand In Faith by Danny Gokey

Music Monday: Stand In Faith by Danny Gokey

          I hope everyone enjoyed their Father’s Day weekend; I know the special day came up so fast that I almost missed it. But thanks to Alexa, I didn’t. By now, you may have realized my website has gotten a makeover. Thanks to a 540 (the name of a writer’s group I attend on Thursday nights via virtual), I am now a part of the WordPress family. My original blog on Blogspot will remain for posterity, but updates will always be on my website. I am still adjusting to it, but everything seems to copy and paste from Microsoft just fine, so… I learned to write all my blogs in Microsoft before transferring to Blogger- otherwise, there’s no hard copy of your work!

Anyway, you didn’t come here to hear me rant… My dad is recovering well from his rotator cuff surgery, although we have learned that along with regular difficulties, he has developed back issues. Thankfully, the doctor gave him a prescription, which seems to have done the trick; the only problem is you can only take it for a week. So it looks like dad may have to take a muscle relaxant (like me!) for the long term. We will see when he goes back to the doctor next week.

They got me thinking. Why is it so easy for people to rely on doctors instead of trusting God’s timing and purpose??

Faith In the Bible

In short, it all points to the immorality of the human condition and our need for a Savior. As humans, we tend to trust only what our eyes can see; not only that, but we often rely on our strength to accomplish things.

It’s only natural…

But that’s not faith. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (NIV). This chapter continues by highlighting some of the most powerful testimonies of trust in God in the Bible. For some, that just meant continuing to walk in obedience to God’s calling for them; for others, it required actively taking part in God’s plan even though you don’t know what that plan may be. Here are just a few examples:

  1. Abel-He brought a better offering to God than Cain. As a result, he was righteous; God spoke well of his offering. So Abel still speaks today, even in his death. (v. 4).
  2. Enoch- God was so pleased that He took him away so that he did not have to experience death. (v. 5).
  3. Noah-This is probably the most popular and well-known example of walking by faith. After hearing what God told him, he acted in “holy fear” (awe and reverence) to save his family. (v.6)
  4. Abraham- Again, we see a man believing in God’s promises, packing up his family, and traveling to the land God has shown him. Abraham does not know what is ahead of him. He is just walking in faith.

The list goes on and on…

Which begs the question… Why’d we stop believing like that?

Danny Gokey’s song, “Stand In Faith,” reminds us of the importance of fixing our eyes on Jesus and waiting on God’s perfect timing for things. You are welcome to  access his video here:

If you’re still waiting on something today, don’t lose hope; God’s still working on your behalf; it just hasn’t come to fruition yet!

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