Music Monday: “Somebody to You.” By Rachael Lampa (featuring Andrew Tripp)

Music Monday: “Somebody to You.” By Rachael Lampa (featuring Andrew Tripp)

by: Debbie Waltz

Welcome Back, Readers~

Over the last month, I have continued taking part in my disability’s (Even If) monthly book club; as always, the nonprofit does a wonderful job picking out books with very relatable themes or topics. This month’s topic piggybacks on last month’s topic of feeling inadequate to complete God’s calling on the Christian Life. Not only is this completely natural, but every Christian feels this way-not just the disabled community. Granted, our feelings are often more intense because we have to fight society’s stereotypes in order to prove ourselves. Personally, I struggled to finish the book myself and spent the meeting just listening and not sharing my opinion that much. So when the founder announced the next book and told us the topic was heavier than last month’s I debated joining.

Why? For starters, I didn’t want the topic to give me reasons to change and then not provide adequate and practical tips to implement. As practical as Jess Connolly’s advice was, no practical steps were listed if the reader was ready to take things a step further. This isn’t the same for Hosanna Wong’s book, You Are More Than You’ve Been Told: Unlock a Fresh Way to Live Through the Rhythms of Jesus. Not only does this book break down all the lies that Satan uses to get you to question God’s power in your life, but she also breaks down the four categories that are necessary for breaking free of the lies and living an abundant life in Jesus Christ. They are:

  1. The Rhythm of Scripture
  2. The Rhythm of Prayer
  3. The Rhythm of Rest
  4. The Rhythm of Real Community

Each one of these rhythms plays a critical role in supporting you in your Christian walk with the Lord. Scripture can help you defeat the lies of the enemy while teaching you to rely on God’s word to speak truth over your life. This is vital to knowing who you are and the power you possess as God’s Child. Communication is an essential part of creating intimacy within relationships; the same holds true for our spiritual relationship with God. While it’s true that God already knows what we are thinking, he would still like to hear it from our lips. Not only does this show that we rely on him, but it also reiterates that we trust God to provide the solution to our difficulties.

The third rhythm is where I’d like to stop and take a moment to ponder; This is The Rhythm of the Sabbath (a.k.a. Rest) As Christians, most of us are familiar with this rhythm because the Lord mentioned it in The Ten Commandments. Recently, it’s taken on a whole new perspective for me. Not only have I read this book, but I have spent the last two months reading the Bible chronologically. Upon further reflection, this commandment has more meaning than a way to keep the Sabbath holy. As slaves back in Egypt, they were required to earn food, clothes, shelter, etc. Ingrained in them daily, this reiterated they were only useful to the Egyptians as they remained productive. That is so not true and God wants to remind them. After all, God created them.

Even after the Fall, God could have given up and started fresh. Instead, he pressed on; He saw something in Noah and his family and started a whole new covenant with them as descendants. Throughout the rest of the Bible, we’ve seen how God fulfilled every one of His promises to His People.

Rachael Lampa’s song,” Somebody To You” reminds listeners where their worth and value truly live. As much as we’d like to, we know nothing we do can repay Jesus for his ultimate sacrifice. That’s why it’s called grace. Romans 5:8 says, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

To listen to Rachael’s song, it can be accessed here:

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