Music Monday: “Overnight” by Amy Grant featuring Sarah Spencer – Chapman

 Music Monday: “Overnight” by Amy Grant featuring Sarah Spencer – Chapman

by Debbie

We know that our Lord Jesus Christ is not some genie that goes around granting every single wish on our lips.

But let’s pretend for just a minute He was.

That’s what the song “Overnight” by Amy Grant (featuring Sarah Spencer-Chapman) attempts to do, questioning “what if?” The song opens up with a real-life scenario of someone handing in their resignation from work; the natural inclination is to ask, “what’s next?” But what if we didn’t have to use wonder

Amy answers this question in two different ways; first, she points out that if everything happened overnight, you wouldn’t appreciate the positives in your life, and you might take it for granted. Second, she says that this helps us in our faith -” believing in what we cannot see.” Hebrews 11:1 elaborates by saying, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for, and assurance in what we do not see,” The apostle Paul goes even further as to highlight the basics of what we believe (i.e., creation) as well as some of the key players down to in Christianity. They went above and beyond living out their faith. These included Noah, Able, and Enoch.

Sarah Chapman (Amy’s daughter) follows up this idea in the song’s next verse by explaining the importance of experience; she trusts her mom and values her advice. We must do the same-surrounding ourselves with people we trust and can go to for advice; it’s a bonus if they’ve gone through what we are currently experiencing and can come alongside us. After all, isn’t that what we are supposed to do as Christians? Galatians 6:2 agrees to point out that “[we should] Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” [NIV]

You can find Amy Grant’s duet with her daughter here:



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