Music Monday: “Hold on to Jesus” by Erin O’Donnell; understanding the value of rest

Music Monday: “Hold on to Jesus” by Erin O’Donnell

by: Debbie Waltz

These last few weeks of August have been exhausting for my family and me. After attending Diana’s wedding, we took care of my nieces (and their dog Lolly) while my brother and sister-in-law took some much-needed time with each other. Of course, having my nieces around makes things much more memorable and chaotic, as my parents have to chauffer them to their different activities. They don’t mind doing it, yet they are grateful that a new driver is in the works. I can’t believe Elizabeth is 16 and already getting her driver’s license…

As much as we enjoyed having them, my parents and I couldn’t wait until our time of rest and relaxation in Traverse City. Along the way, we stopped to have dinner with some of my mom’s family, who lives in Ohio. It was great catching up with everyone over some good old-fashioned fried chicken.

Still, it was almost like heaven when we finally arrived in Traverse City and settled for five days of rest and relaxation at The Grand Beach Resort. Being on one of the higher floors gave fantastic opportunities for beautiful sunrises and sunsets. (One of which I’ve featured above.) It also allowed visitors a unique perspective, with two windows and a small balcony view in most rooms.

The hotel also offered a complimentary breakfast. Unfortunately, the selections were prepackaged and only had four different options to choose from (probably because of Covid.)

They even had a concrete pathway so people in wheelchairs could go close to the beach without worrying about getting stuck. My dad and I drove down there once. Be careful; there is a little incline- fair warning…

I love how simple and relaxing those five days were. They allowed us to recharge in our unique way. It also allowed us to step back from our busy lives and reconnect with each other and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Mom and I both enjoyed hearing the waves crash against the surf and feeling soft breezes on our faces as we woke up or strolled along the edge of the water; it reminded us of Who is in control and Who is our Creator.

For my dad, it was probably having time for himself to work on whatever he wanted.     ( Napping even 😉 )

During my vacation, I also started reading Ann Voskamp’s WayMaker: Finding The Way to the Life You’ve Always Dreamed Of. Unfortunately, if you are looking for a simple read or a quick fix, this is NOT FOR YOU! I’m not saying this is a terrible book. On the contrary, it’s fantastic. However, it doesn’t give you straightforward answers on how to fix your relationships and steps to pursuing your most successful life. Instead, it shows you how virtually every need we have stems from a need to be known and understood by our Creator. I am still on chapter 1, but this book has struck a chord. I guess because I’m trying to let God be enough for me as I wait for God’s plans for my life. I’ve always hoped I’d find someone to share my life with and grow old with, but I’m realizing that the connection we yearn for is innate- put there by God because He wants a relationship with US!

I still have a way to go in the book, but that’s what has stood out to me so far. That being said, it’s important that we remember who’s in charge. God is, and we aren’t. As Christians, we strive to live to a higher standard; but we are bound to fail. Luckily, God does not see it that way. Don’t believe me?

Check out Erin O’Donnell’s “Hold on to Jesus”


2 thoughts on “Music Monday: “Hold on to Jesus” by Erin O’Donnell; understanding the value of rest”

  1. Beautiful sunset. Thanks for sharing it. And glad you took some time to rest. All of you. Psalm 23 doesn’t work if we don’t allow Jesus to lead us to the still waters and refresh our souls.
    Go slowly with whatever book you’re drawn to. Read at the pace of sacred reading, stopping when a word or phrase resonates, pulls at your heart. Carry thatceord or purse with you all day ( or week). Ask God to show you what He wants you to understand or learn about it. Are you familiar with Lectio Divina, (pronounced LEX-ee-o dah-VEE-no) divine reading?


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