Music Monday: “Hold On, Help Is on the Way” by Whitney Houston


Music Monday: “Hold On, Help Is on the Way” by Whitney Houston


As I sit here writing this post, it is snowing quite heavily outside my window. The meteorologist predicted snow, and boy did it come right on time.

A quick update on my chair, my dad took it and had the part replaced that they thought was the problem- and it still doesn’t work.


Now we are forced to wait until Thursday when a wheelchair expert will come to our home and try to fix it. Forgive me if I sound a little underwhelmed; it’s just that we have been waiting so long for this only to be disappointed many times over. I’m still wondering why this happened. What does God want me to learn from these three months of relying on others? To be quite honest, I’m still not quite sure, but I will say that as I wrote those words, the verse “Be still and know that I am God” came to mind.


That being said, I thought an upbeat song like the theme from The Preacher’s Wife would be perfect for this week; now I know that this is an odd choice considering it is one of Whitney Houston’s last performances on screen and that she had her share of difficulties in this life. This movie and its theme song constantly remind us of God’s presence in our lives. He is always there to help us if only we’d ask him.


Also, I happen to believe the movie’s premise is true that there are angels “waiting on this long line” to come and help us when we need them the most-they might not even have wings. After all, doesn’t it say in Hebrews 13:2:


“Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” (NIV)


Try to remember that this week.

You Are Not Alone!

God is with you… He is only a breath away

if you are having trouble grasping that today, might I suggest listening to Whitney Houston’s “Hold on, Help Is on the Way” here: 

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