Music Monday: God Believes In You by Jill Phillips



Music Monday: God Believes In You by Jill Phillips  

by Debbie


Wow, it’s hard to believe that summer is almost over; where has all the time gone? I have been enjoying the last week with my aunt visiting from North Carolina. It was extra special considering it was my mom’s birthday, and it was her first time seeing our new house.

This song goes out to all of you who are struggling in your faith. These are rough times we are not five through; our faith is tested in more ways than we could’ve imagined. But take heart; God believes in you.

Life’s not easy. Believe me, I know… I have to rely on other people to get up in the morning, to get dressed to eat, and to go to bed at night. Still, I move on with joy (most of the time) – knowing there’s a purpose in my life. The same goes for my writing; sometimes, I question its purpose. Who am I doing it for – the accolades or for Jesus?? I am sure all my writer friends can relate to this feeling.

But the sad truth is, God never promised this life would be easy. Jesus proclaimed the opposite, saying in John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Jesus wants us to be faithful with our gifts and talents; no, he doesn’t expect perfection from us. In fact, he knows we’ll stumble back into our ways. That’s why God sent His One and Only Son to Earth to save us from our sins-both past and present! Not only that, but he takes things one step further by providing us with the Holy Spirit-sealing us for the courts above. The Holy Spirit is so much more, though; it helps us express our feelings to the Lord- when we cannot articulate them ourselves. Through our grief, the Holy Spirit can discern what we need and communicate that to the Lord. Other times, we may be faced with two choices and asking for God’s wisdom on which path to take. Both may look good to me, but only God knows which way is best

Jill Phillips’ “God Believes In You” can be accessed here:

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