Music Monday: “Friends” by Michael W Smith

 Music Monday: “Friends” by Michael W Smith

I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on growing up with a disability this weekend, as I have written a short story hoping to submit it to Stephanie’s special needs anthology; I’m glad the pair have tackled such a topic- it’s really needed. My story talks about the need for true “inclusion”

Growing up with cerebral palsy (CP) and being quadriplegic has not been easy; from the very beginning, I have always struggled with my identity as a disabled person because inside I don’t feel limited, but the reality is I am. In middle school, this is when it really became clear to me. I remember the strange stares I would receive as I drove from class to class with my head controls; they parted the way as if I was an alien and they didn’t want me to touch them. A few would offer to take notes for me – only to get extra credit from their teacher.

A lot has changed since then. Though the memories of middle school still sting, I have come to realize that only makes my friendships from college even sweeter. These friendships have shown me what true loyalty means; they have the ability to look beyond my limitations and see me as just a person. Though Concordia is a Christian community, I believe this is just who they are and how they live out their faith on a daily basis. I don’t have all the time to list names, but they know who they are.. They are authentic examples of Proverbs 17:17: “A friend loves at all times, a brother is born for a time of adversity.”

In short, their friendships have meant more to me than my readers know; it’s true what they say in Proverbs 27:9: “Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of a friend springs from their heartfelt advice.” That being said, I thought “Friends” by Michael W Smith would be the perfect song for this week; not only is it a favorite of mine, but it reminds us that as Christians, an unshakable bond of God’s love connects us. Though we might be distant from each other, we are still all doing God’s work in our own way.

You can access Michael W Smith video here:




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