Music Monday: “Do it again (Acoustic).” by Elevation Worship

Music Monday: “Do it again (Acoustic).” by Elevation Worship

by: Debbie Waltz

Welcome Back, Readers~

On Friday, I shared a little with you about why I love having routines as a part of my daily schedule. Not only does it provide me with a sense of stability, knowing what I can expect as a part of my daily routine, but it breaks things down into more manageable chunks of time where I can rearrange my tasks as needed. This week, my schedule was turned upside down when my personal assistant called in sick. Thankfully, I still live in an accessible apartment right below my parents’ and they can still take care of me. Despite this, I still struggled with feelings of uncertainty about how this might affect the rest of my week. Would she be out the entire week? Would I end up getting sick as well?

If we’re not careful, routines can leave Christians reliant on themselves rather than expecting God to step in and move on their behalf. However, this does not surprise God. In fact, the Bible gives us authentic stories of real-life people who struggled with their faith and God’s purpose for their lives. One of the most well-known is Moses and the Parting of The Red Sea. The Egyptians had held the Israelites captive for anywhere from 400 to 430 years, but the Lord has not forgotten about them. In a heartfelt conversation with the Lord, Moses asks what He plans to do about it, to which Jesus replies: “ The Lord said, ‘I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land into a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey..’” (Exodus 3:7-8). Going into more detail about his plans, Jesus explains how Moses is a fundamental part of the process.

Moses wants nothing to do with the rescue plan and begins listing off reasons he isn’t qualified or up to the task. Some of these reasons include:

  1. Not the right person for the job. (Exodus 3:11-12.)
  2. Not credible. What happens if the Israelites and Pharaoh don’t believe Moses? (Exodus 3:12-13, Exodus 4:1-8.)
  3. Not an eloquent speaker. (Exodus 4: 10-13. )

Many scholars question the tone of Jesus during this entire conversation. Is he angry or frustrated that Moses is challenging him every step along the way? I think not. Jesus wants us to be open and honest with our feelings; he can deal with that. Yes, He doesn’t want us to forget WHO He is or WHAT He has done for us!

Living with CP for 43 years, I will be the first to admit it’s easy to forget. I get stuck in the day-to-day tasks and forget to acknowledge Him- all the ways the Lord has moved in the past and the ways He CONTINUES to move..

Too often we forget the POWER that our Savior had- and still has, to this day. That’s why I chose Elevation Worship’s “Do It Again.”

Yes, my friends, Jesus is still in the “miracle” business!

If you doubt this, please take some time to sit down and write about all the ways you’ve seen God move. Don’t discount the small ones either. (I’ll be doing this as well.)

Let this list be a tangible reminder of how faithful Jesus is and continues to be in your life. May it spur you into a deeper connection with the Lord Jesus Christ.


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