Music Monday: “Christ Will Be My Hideaway” by Sovereign Grace Music

 Music Monday: “Christ Will Be My Hideaway” by Sovereign Grace Music

I’ll be honest and tell you last week wasn’t the greatest for me; not that anything extremely disheartening happened to my family or me because it didn’t. It’s just that I can handle my disability most weeks without it getting the best of me, and last week I let it win. True, my family and I have been dealing with some changes since my dad injured his arm helping workers outside and can no longer help lift me as he is going to physical therapy. So that leaves mom and my personal care assistant to pick up the slack until he gets better.

We’ve dealt with it pretty well, but recently I’ve let circumstances get the best of me, maybe because I see my parents getting older and how difficult it can be to lift me at their age. Anyway, this week other issues made life twice as difficult, and I let my eyes get fixed on my circumstances instead of on God.

So much so that I couldn’t feel His Presence all week. But Matthew 28:20 reminds us that if we are Christians, Jesus will remain with us forever as he promises us, “… And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Not only does God promise us that He will walk with us through our life, but He also offers us His Protection. Don’t get me wrong; this doesn’t automatically mean a life without suffering. We will still have to deal with the temptations of this world because of our sinful nature; however, He will protect us by only allowing what he permits. A side note here; when God lets something difficult occur, it does not mean he is evil- just that he knows the whole plan better than we do, and how we react to this situation will impact future generations better than we do. Remember, Isaiah 55:8-9 reiterates this when it states, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.


Based on Psalm 91, this week’s song “Christ Will Be My Hideaway ” is by Sovereign Grace Music as part of their response to the pandemic in 2020.

You can access Sovereign Grace  Music’s video here:

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