More Than Meets the Eye: the Story of Joan Brock

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When people ask me “What’s it like not being able to walk?”, I really don’t know what to say. Hwas born this way, so I don’t know any different..

On the other hand, Joan Brock could give you a different answer. Not only did she work with the blind; but one day she woke up blind herself! Doctors then diagnosed her with a extremely rare case of accelerated muscular degeneration. Determined to maintain as normal life as possible, she returns to work. But then life deals another blow as her husband is diagnosed with cancer and dies shortly after. She is forced to adjust to life as a single mother until a high school friend enters her life.

For more information on the Joan Brock story and the Lifetime made-for-TV movie, you can go to:



Or you can view the movie online at:


2 thoughts on “More Than Meets the Eye: the Story of Joan Brock”

  1. Hi Joan from Ireland, Just came across your blog tonight and I am blessed by your words and faith. I too am unable to walk, but I was able to until my forties when I progressively began to loose feeling and strength in my legs, and my back is in constant pain. I was six foot eleven most of my life, and also somehow I started growing in my forties, I'm now seven foot four and hopefully stopped growing now I'm fifty! I came to The Lord at the age of twenty nine, and immediately wanted to know Him more, so I went to Bible College. When I graduated I was asked to be a temp Pastor in Antwerp, Belgium, then following my time there I was asked to fill in for other Pastors around Europe and Asia. After a couple of years doing this I was given a permanent position in Antwerp. My wife started to get very poorly and sometimes needed a wheelchair to go out. When her condition worsened we returned home to Ireland because she has friends and family who could help while I went back to secular work by day and second pastor in a church evenings and weekends. After a few years my troubles started, but as I'm ever the evangelist, I am able to tuck tracts and booklets into my chair and go about Dublin reaching out to people for the Lord. People often ask me why I am so happy and not bitter at God because of the way I am, I reply nearly every time with the words "The Joy of The Lord is my strength" and it's true. If I didn't come to faith at 29, I'm sure I would be dead by now because I was an alcoholic and indulged in drugs daily. Many times I would find myself in crazy places and not remember how I got there, my body would have cuts and blood and I wouldn't know how I got them. Friends would tell me I would climb statues, buildings, jump off high places, get crazy hallucinations etc.If The Lord didn't pull this twig from the fire, I'm sure I would be either dead or in a very bad state. But Praise God He gives us strength to deal with all of life's problems, truly The Lord is great, Thank you for your encouraging blog, Love and Blessings, Shaun Aisbitt <>< (google me!)

  2. Hi Joan from Ireland, Just came across your blog tonight and I am blessed by your words and faith. I too am unable to walk, but I was able to until my forties when I progressively began to loose feeling and strength in my legs, and my back is in constant pain. I was six foot eleven most of my life, and also somehow I started growing in my forties, I'm now seven foot four and hopefully stopped growing now I'm fifty! I came to The Lord at the age of twenty nine, and immediately wanted to know Him more, so I went to Bible College. When I graduated I was asked to be a temp Pastor in Antwerp, Belgium, then following my time there I was asked to fill in for other Pastors around Europe and Asia. After a couple of years doing this I was given a permanent position in Antwerp. My wife started to get very poorly and sometimes needed a wheelchair to go out. When her condition worsened we returned home to Ireland because she has friends and family who could help while I went back to secular work by day and second pastor in a church evenings and weekends. After a few years my troubles started, but as I'm ever the evangelist, I am able to tuck tracts and booklets into my chair and go about Dublin reaching out to people for the Lord. People often ask me why I am so happy and not bitter at God because of the way I am, I reply nearly every time with the words "The Joy of The Lord is my strength" and it's true. If I didn't come to faith at 29, I'm sure I would be dead by now because I was an alcoholic and indulged in drugs daily. Many times I would find myself in crazy places and not remember how I got there, my body would have cuts and blood and I wouldn't know how I got them. Friends would tell me I would climb statues, buildings, jump off high places, get crazy hallucinations etc.If The Lord didn't pull this twig from the fire, I'm sure I would be either dead or in a very bad state. But Praise God He gives us strength to deal with all of life's problems, truly The Lord is great, Thank you for your encouraging blog, Love and Blessings, Shaun Aisbitt <>< (google me!)


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