March is National Multiplie Sclerosis Awareness Month

Hey Guys~

Wow, it’s hard to believe it’s Friday already. The week has just flown by for me. Therapy and training a new personal assistant is keeping me very busy. So busy, in fact, that I hadn’t realized the amazing milestone I am about to accomplish in a few days. You see, I will have written my 200th post next week. That is an amazing feat for me, especially considering I do everything through voice recognition. It is my hope that somewhere during those posts I have imparted some gems of advice or encouragement that have given my readers courage to live life despite the challenges they face on a daily basis.

Today’s post is a simple one.. It has come to my attention that March is National Multiplie Sclerosis Awareness Month. Learn more about this devastating disease and how people are working to find a cure at:

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