Living the dream, despite a disability


I hope everyone enjoyed my words of wisdom from last week. I forgot to pre-post on Friday, I’m sorry. My trip was eventful, starting with the birth of my second niece, Rebekah Lee and continuing with our various househunting adventures. As time goes on, I have become more convinced that events like these serve as “transitions” as we maneuver through the many different stages of our lives. These not only challenge our thinking and our way of life, but help us to mature as adults. In the end, the move does have family oriented goals, but I can’t ever forget who I am and what I want from it…or I will forget myself and my dreams for the future.

Anyway, sorry for the ramble. These are just occasional thoughts that I have to get off my chest. I’m sorry also for posting this a day late, it’s just that I have been overcoming a cold since I returned. As a result, I am not feeling very creative. But I was able to find this little gem of wisdom on the Internet. I thought it appropriate since the Olympics is coming up. The video features an unlikely runner trying his best to live a normal life, and accomplish the impossible despite the pessimism of others.

Please take a look:

2 thoughts on “Living the dream, despite a disability”

  1. I’m happy your getting your own place. I work as an civil rights specialist for the disabled, and I also have cp.Check out the oraganization I work for at Thanks again for showing my blog some love on yours.

  2. I’m happy your getting your own place. I work as an civil rights specialist for the disabled, and I also have cp.Check out the oraganization I work for at Thanks again for showing my blog some love on yours.


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