Life of The Disabled Community


It’s five days until I began part one of the big move to Virginia. It’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally here. On Saturday, I leave for the weekend and then only return to retrieve my stuff on Monday and Tuesday. Then we proceed on to part two- taking a road trip to Virginia. There are still some basic details to be cleared up, but hopefully God will take care of them soon enough. I don’t know the next time I’m going to have Internet after Tuesday of next week, because we are getting the cable and everything turned off around that time, so I am hoping to have some of my posts pre-published. If my readers don’t hear from me, you’ll know why.

Anyway, on to today’s post..

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live someone else’s life?

A new and controversial show on FX is trying to be a average people just that chance. In this eye-opening reality show, people are given a month to live as the other person would. They encounter the same difficulties, trials and triumphs that anyone would in their situation .

In Sunday’s rerun, former NFL football star Ray Crockett wonders what it would be like to be disabled. During the first four days, he realizes he is at a distinct advantage having the money to make his home handicapped accessible. His point is made even more clear when the house of his disabled mentor . During the month, Ray also gets involved in such activities as wheel chair rugby and watches as someone undergoes rehabilitation therapy.

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Citation for TV Program: “30 days ” , FX channel 50 Detroit, at 10: 30 PM., June 16, 2008. (Original air date: June 10, 2008)

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