Lessons Learned from Pet Finder


So I’m not really sure whether today’s post has anything remotely valuable on disability, but I thought it was interesting.

You are probably wondering what I am talking about, right?

As you know, I often tape disability related television shows on my TiVo. It makes it easier for me when writing these posts since I rarely have time to sit down and watch TV. Except at night, that is. Anyway, I’m getting off topic here.

On Tuesday, there was a interesting episode of Pet Finder on Animal Planet. For those of you unfamiliar with this show, experts try to place its “contestants “with the appropriate pet. They take into account the person’s housing situation, ability to care for a animal and personal needs while making the decision. It’s a compelling show. One that hadn’t heard of up until this specific episode.

Tuesday’s episode featured a young girl with rheumatoid arthritis. Despite living with this disability, star will not give up when it comes to accomplishing her dreams. For example, doctors said she would not be able to walk without a fair amount of difficulty. Well, she is proving them wrong now with her ability to ride horses. Which brings me to her purpose on the show, she wanted pet finder to help in finding the perfect horse. Horseback riding not only not only helps to strengthen her muscles, but gives her the feeling she can do anything she puts her mind to it.

But before receiving her horse, there are some important lessons that needed to be learned. The first of which being, what size was appropriate for her. After riding several horses, they determined that a horse of 15 to 17 hands would work best.

The second lesson was a more difficult one. You see, star really wanted a white horse. But I don’t think she really understood the work it took to keep a white horse clean. That is, until the experts brought in a beautiful white horse.. and it rolled in the mud. Star had to give the little horse a bath, leaving her exhausted. The lesson: “what you want is not always the best thing for you”.

The next step was examining Star’s expertise on a horse. Up until this point, she only knew how to trot and walk a horse. The experts thought it was important for her to learn how to canter a horse, that way she would know how to control her horse in case it ever was to be out of control. Star was able to accomplish this goal.

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