In The Blind: Trusting In the Midst of Life’s Biggest Obstacles

Welcome Back, Readers~

Okay, so it’s clear I have hesitated writing on this blog for several weeks now. The question is why. Was I hoping for a positive result and a swift removal of all the barriers I’ve encountered up until this point, ending with a deeper understanding of God’s will for my life? Or was I simply not willing to share my weakness with you for fear you’d view me differently?

Truth is, I can’t give you a definitive answer. Perhaps it’s a little bit of both. These last few weeks have been a roller coaster ride for me, beginning with the opening up of an apartment for me and my roommate, then the harsh reality that it wasn’t the right time (meaning that everything wasn’t prepared in terms of financial aspects, but more importantly personal care aspects). Then, there were other things to consider.

I’ll admit I should be handling it better. This isn’t the first time I’ve encountered adversity, after all; but that doesn’t mean it gets any easier. Because let’s face it, trials are not only inevitable but unpredictable as well. They come in a variety of types and sizes. No matter what the problem is, though.. One thing remains the same…

All trials have in a Christian’s life have a purpose!

I was reminded of this theme as our church continues its sermon series called “Let’s Build Something Together That Lasts Forever.” As part of this series, our pastor spent an entire Sunday shedding new light on the popular passage in James in which the author urges the tribes to “consider it pure joy” when they encountered trials. Why? Because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything (verses 3-5, NIV)

Going even further with this point, my pastor compares this time of testing to training for a frisbee throwing competition. People can try to train for these things themselves, but they don’t have the expertise of a trainer to guide them. But we do-Jesus! Even better than perseverance, these trials can produce endurance and it has the capability of producing the perfect results, if only we’d see our way through it, not try to escape life’s circumstance.

This process not only takes endurance but a lot of faith as well-not just a belief that God will do according to His Will. If you don’t, James warns your efforts will go unnoticed as it states in verse 6: ” But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind”

Alas, because of that human condition, we are prone to doubt; that being the case God created a backup plan-that we should ask him for wisdom. He will give it to you freely, not asking anything of you; only that you trust him. On this Thanksgiving season, try to remember this as you encounter life’s difficulties.

That’s exactly what I’m trying to do!

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