Grown-Up Girlfriends Chapters 8

Hey Guys~

It’s hard to believe it is March already. Based on the weather outside my window, you would think it was December. That’s right; there’s snow on the ground in Virginia. Yet, sunshine still manages to peak its way through the clouds. It’s picturesque scenes like these that make me just stop to marvel in awe of God’s beautiful landscape. The year 2009 has just started, but I have already learned so much -about myself as well as personal care agencies here. Have you ever felt like that? It’s almost gotten to the point where I would like things to go right for once. But I know through it all, I am growing into the woman God wants me to be.

Botox seems to be going okay for me. It’s only been a week and I have seen improvements in my reach and abilities-that’s even without therapy. My mom is still trying to find one in our area. The doctor suggested I go for occupational therapy twice a week. So I don’t think it’s going to be as difficult as before. Please continue to pray that I continue to improve..

Now, onto today’s post.. Over the last few weeks, I have continued my analysis of the book entitled Grown-Up Girlfriends by Erin Smalley and Carrie Oliver. I hope you have found that insight I have posted from the book as enlightening as I have. This week, I intend on concluding the series with notes from the last four chapters. As I am sure you’ve noticed, the authors also place an important emphasis on the developing Christian friendships can impact one’s life. Chapters 8 focus on the importance that forgiveness plays in maintaining healthy relationship. On Wednesday, I will continue with Chapter 9-on overcoming destructive relationships. These are the
relationships that have played a role in developing your personality in a negative manner.

Notes on Chapter 8-A Grown-Up Friend Forgives

“A friendship will never be the same when true forgiveness is experienced; it will deepen and and grow at levels never before experienced”. (Page 132)

The Biblical Stance on Forgiveness

-See Colossians 3: 13

-True forgiveness starts with a grounded relationship with God. Accepting and acknowledging our weaknesses

-Forgiveness is a choice, not based on our emotions. However it is founded on “compassion and grace” (Page 134)

-As Christ did with the Samaritan Woman, we should be willing to discuss each other’s short comings in a effort to become the woman God created us be. But do it in love. John 4: 4-30

-Try to look at things from their perspective. Realize at some point, the roles may be reversed.

-Remember that our friends can’t supply for our every need. Only God can

-Forgiveness cannot happen overnight!

-Forgiveness requires: 1) a heart of repentance. 2) acceptance of one’s behavior, not blaming your friend for your mistakes. 3) reconciliation is an agreement that things have to change- “the things will be different”. (Page 141)

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Notes taken from the book “Grown-Up Girlfriends: Finding and Keeping Real Friends In the Real World” by Erin Smalley and Carrie Oliver

2 thoughts on “Grown-Up Girlfriends Chapters 8”

  1. I’m praying for you debbie! I really hope the Botox helps.

    I enjoyed your quotes on forgiveness in friendship. It’s some of the toughest times in friendship, but also some of the most rewarding.

  2. I’m praying for you debbie! I really hope the Botox helps.

    I enjoyed your quotes on forgiveness in friendship. It’s some of the toughest times in friendship, but also some of the most rewarding.


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