Finding Hope in Desperate Times


So I know it’s been a while since I posted. I’ve been sick and trying to figure a lot of things out in my life lately. But now I’m back.

Sinc the cruise, I’ve been thinking a lot about getting a job. I know my dad really wants me to finish writing my book and I do too. But that seems to be a second priority for me now. I just need to find a way to gain and maintain the motivation I once had for my life. I need to feel useful again to someone besides my family. In a effort to change things, I will do my best to write on this blog regularly. But I will be doing other things as well- such as submitting my resume to etc.

In times like these, I realize I’m not the only person struggling with employment. God must have realized this, because as if just by luck I came across these websites. The first is an introduction to the second website, a site that offers people with disabilities advice and tips on getting the job.

They look pretty helpful to me!

I thought I would pass them along.. – a introduction to the website– the website itself

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