Fast paced times in Chicago


I’m back from a whirlwind trip to Chicago. My friends and I had some good times, but unfortunately we brought home with us all colds. I guess that’s why they call it the Windy City. Since returning, I thought I would give you an overview of the weekend and how accessible they were. I was going to post a few pictures, but unfortunately, every time I try to it comes up with a “internal error” message. Oh well.

For starters, we arrived in Chicago on Saturday afternoon after four hours on the road. My friend had already made arrangements for us to stay at the Best Western at Grant Park. They were pretty good considering the circumstances. Apparently, there had been a mixup with the reservations; they had us for one night in two rooms instead of the other way around. But the manager was helpful in clearing up the problem. But because of the mixup, we weren’t able to get a handicapped accessible room. Anyway, the rest of the day was spent relaxing and dining at the hotel restaurant.

On Sunday, we got up around 11 a.m. and hit the town. Our first stop was the Sears Tower. Originally, this building was the tallest building in America until it was surpassed by some building in China. It was a long ride up in the elevator-about a hundred floors up. Surprisingly, it only took about five minutes to get all the way up to the top. Our ears were popping the whole time.. You could see just about everything from up there-even where Oprah lives. She lives on top of the Hancock building in Chicago. Our next stop was the Shedd Aquarium. That was fun; the place was huge and we ended up getting ourselves lost a couple of times. After that, we needed some energy. So what did we do? We ended up going to the Hershey company. Can we say, “a slice of heaven on earth?”

I could go on and on about the trip, but honestly my voice is getting tired and I should conserve my energy for when I really need it. Those were just some of the activities that occurred during the famous “Road Trip”. The trip wasn’t really that expensive in the end, considering my friend had gotten us Chicago Go cards . These gave us access to most of Chicago’s attractions for a reduced rate or even free.

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