Faithful Friday: “Show Me the Father” Documentary Review

 Faithful Friday: “Show Me the Father” Documentary Review

by: Debbie

The Kendrick Brothers have done it again, producing another theatrical release showcasing the importance of fathers in today’s generation; unlike the rest, though, this documentary gives us an in-depth look at the brothers themselves and what makes their perspective of fatherhood different than most people. Unfortunately, not everyone is as lucky; the news tells countless stories of youths forced to grow up too soon and give up their innocence just to survive. They either believe the lie that tells them they won’t amount to much or don’t believe they deserve it.

             But it wasn’t always this way; when God created the world, he said, “it was good.” (Genesis 1 & 2). Even when Adam and Eve were created, it didn’t bother them that they were naked because they felt no shame (Genesis 2: 25). However, when the serpent entered the picture, Adam and Eve began to doubt God’s goodness.
In this documentary, Kendrick shows the roles and responsibilities a father has in shaping their child’s identity; their daily interactions (both good and bad) can shape how they view their heavenly father. Tony Evans agrees, saying that our earthly fathers play a vital role in serving as a medairy between heaven and earth.

Though most of the documentary shares personal stories as told by Sherman Smith and others, the brothers are quick to lay a firm definition of fatherhood. These aspects include:

1.      Provider-Matthew 6:11

2.      Protector-Matthew 9:9-13

3.      Leader-Matthew 3:17

4.      Teacher-Proverbs 4:1-4

5.      Helper-Psalm 10:14

6.      Encourager-Hebrews 12:5

7.      Friend-John 15:15


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