Faithful Friday: A New Way To Get To Know Karen Kingsbury with the Karen Kingsbury podcast

Faithful Friday: A New Way To Get To Know Karen Kingsbury with the Karen Kingsbury Podcast

By: Debbie Waltz

If you’ve followed this blog very long, you know, I love Christian Fiction. “Life-Changing” author, Karen Kingsbury; she’s best known for her uncanny ability to write authentic stories of faith. Using real-life scenarios as her backdrop, she doesn’t shy away from controversial topics; instead, she uses her platform of fiction to shine a light on these issues and open a platform of discussion hoping to influence readers and public figures to change their viewpoint-making a difference in today’s society.

Now she’s doing it again through a 16-episode podcast. Every week, we get to hear from the “Queen” herself about topics near and dear to her heart regarding faith, family, and books. In her premiere episode, she invites audiences into her story as she shares what brought her and her husband (Donald) together. Like most Christians, Karen grew up believing she was a “good enough” Christian-going to church on all major holidays and not smoking or drinking. But that begins to change when a mysterious young man approaches her, asking her on a date. He asked if he could bring something with him on the date, though. A Bible.

You can imagine Karen’s reaction. But this seemingly innocent request opens up a whole new perspective for her as she questions her own “faith.”As things get progressively more serious, she sees how Donald is determined to “center” his life around God; she is not too sure. Finally, it all comes to a breaking point.

The Karen Kingsbury podcast can be found on iTunes, Spotify and all other major platforms.

For more information, you can go to:



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