Encouragement: the best laid plans/disability acronyms


I’ll be completely honest, this week’s postings turned out nothing like I planned. Simply because I was waiting on something that didn’t happen. In the long run, I think it best for me to wait until the timing is better and believe me it will be worth the wait. You see, I was going to have my father Guest Post on the trials and tribulations of having a disabled child. I know for a fact he’s learned a lot through his experiences and I’m sure they will help my new and old readers understand how much I truly have grown throughout the years. (I’m trying not to toot my own horn here, lol)

That being said, my dad’s post will have to wait. Look for his post in another two weeks, hopefully, my plans will work out better then. Anyway, I had interesting conversation with one of my readers . We discussed the difficulties that many people with disabilities with the school system today. Believe me, I know how hard it can be to see someone’s potential and yet struggle with the system to get where you need to be. That leads me to my next point. It’s so important to know what your rights as well as the acronyms involved in special education. I came across this very informative website.

Feel free to take a look:


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